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How to determine and select the size of a diesel generator? What are the basic steps?

Diesel generators can be used as backup or primary power sources, but diesel generator power is important. If your diesel generator is too underpowered, you wont be able to power your equipment. If you have an oversized diesel generator, you are wasting money. Under-sizing of a diesel generator can be avoided by considering all loads that will be connected to the diesel generator and by determining the starting requirements of motor-operated equipment (motor starting).

You must ensure that the diesel generator you choose is large enough to meet your current needs and anticipated needs.

Basic steps on how to identify and select a diesel generator.

1. Load size calculation.

To determine the appropriate size diesel generator, add up the total wattage of any lights, appliances, tools, or other devices that will be connected to the diesel generator. The total wattage will tell you how much power the device requires, and from there you can calculate the minimum power input required by your diesel generator.

You can find wattage information on the device’s nameplate or in the manufacturer’s guide. If wattage is not shown but amps and volts are given, then

The following simplified formula can be used:

Amperes x Volts = Watts

For example, 100ampsx400 volts = 40,000 watts.

To determine kilowatts (kW), use the following formula:

1,000 watts = 1 kilowatt

(Ex.2,400 watts/1,000=2.4kW)

You can use tools to measure the load current of appliances/devices that may not have a nameplate rating. The voltage rating depends on whether the appliance or device requires single-phase or three-phase power.

Once the total load is obtained, it is prudent to add 20%-25% of future load expansion, which will accommodate any future load additions.

To ensure you don’t oversize your diesel generator, make sure you include varying load diversity in your calculations.

The total load power of your structure/equipment is measured in kilowatts (Kw). A kilowatt is the actual power used by a load to produce useful work output. However, diesel generators are rated in kilovolt-amperes (kVA). This is a measure of apparent power. That is, it tells you the total power used in the system. In a 100% efficient system, kW=kVA. However, electrical systems are never 100% efficient, so not all of the system’s apparent power will be used to produce useful work output.

If you know the efficiency of your electrical system, you can convert between kVA and kW. Electrical efficiency is expressed as a power factor between 0 and 1: the closer the power factor is to 1, the more efficiently kVA is converted into useful kW.

International standards set the power factor of diesel generators at 0.8. Power factor is important in matching load size to a diesel generator.

kilowatt to kilovolt ampere

kW/power factor=kVA.

So if the total power of the equipment you want to power is 240kW, the smallest size diesel generator that can produce would be 300kVA

2. Define your power requirements

Will your diesel generator be your main power source?

Diesel generators should not be run at maximum capacity for more than 30 minutes. If you plan to use a diesel generator as your main power source, you will need to adjust the capacity to 70-80%. In addition to improving performance, leaving 20-30% of safe capacity can also meet future power needs.

3. Analyze site conditions and location conditions

Once you have calculated the load size and taken into account your operating requirements, you will have a good idea of ​​the amount of power input required by your diesel generator. The next step is to confirm that your power requirements are feasible given your site conditions and location.

Site operability has a strong impact on how a diesel generator is delivered and unloaded, which will also affect diesel generator selection. If access to the site is particularly narrow, uphill, or off-road, larger, less maneuverable vehicles may not be able to enter or exit the site. Likewise, if site space is limited, there may not be enough room to extend the stabilizer legs needed to unload the diesel generator, let alone enough room to operate the crane and position the diesel generator.

4. Diesel generator installation.

After purchasing a diesel generator, it must be installed correctly to ensure proper operation, reliability and low maintenance costs. For this purpose, the manufacturer provides detailed installation guides covering the following topics:

Sizes and options

Electrical factors

cool down


fuel storage



Start the system

5. Choose EAGLEPOWER diesel generator.

Other considerations include whether you need a containerized or open diesel generator, and whether you need a silent diesel generator. The sound insulation level of EAGLEPOWER diesel generator is 75dbA@1 meter in open air conditions. When a diesel generator is to be permanently installed outdoors, you need the diesel generator itself to be acoustically weatherproof and in a lockable container that is weatherproof and secure.

6. External fuel tank.

External tank size depends primarily on the amount of time you want your diesel generator to run continuously before refilling the tank. This can be easily calculated by noting the fuel consumption rate (in liters/hour) of the diesel generator at a given load (eg 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% load). This data is usually given in diesel generator manuals/catalogues.

7. Other matters needing attention.

Exhaust pipe size design. How will the smoke and heat be removed? Ventilation of indoor diesel generator rooms is very important and should be done by qualified engineers.

Advantages of Choosing the Right Size Diesel Generator.

No unexpected system failures

No downtime due to capacity overload

Increase the service life of diesel generators

Guaranteed performance

Smoother, worry-free maintenance

Extend system life

Ensure personal safety

Asset damage is much less likely

120kw open frame generator picturePurchase address for 120kw open frame generator120kw diesel generator

Post time: Jan-29-2024